Why get involved?

Contribute to accelerating diversity and inclusion

The DPE is committed to leading this change by offering a robust peer to peer platform, essential resources, and comprehensive guidance to support this evolution across the industry.

Raising awareness:

Work to increase understanding, enthusiasm and action on DEI topics through our topical events and powerful role model campaigns. Bringing everyone on board to drive positive change in our industry.
People discussing work

Networking and Collaboration:

Create opportunities for cross-industry collaboration where members can share experiences, learn from each and proactively drive change.
A lady spreading awareness

Research and Benchmarking:

Establish clear benchmarks and conducting research to demonstrate the tangible benefits of DEI in delivering results and support members with their regulatory obligations.
Employees discussing work

Best Practices and Standards:

Develop and disseminate best practices and standards enabling member organisations to enhance their internal frameworks and align with customer interests.
Two people working

Training and Education:

Provide educational resources to help organisations effectively integrate DEI principles into their daily operations and product development.
Image shows solar panels

Through these initiatives, DPE will guide European asset managers in establishing strong internal cultures and delivering customer-centric solutions that reflect and serve the diverse society in which we operate.

Your involvement

Why get involved with the DPE?

Group of people icon
Raising awareness
Spreading awareness icon
Networking and Collaboration
Book icon
Research and Benchmarking
Rocket icon
Best Practices and Standards
Boxes icon
Training and Education
Join as a Member Firm, Partner, or Supporter

How to get involved

Member Firm

Become a member by declaring your firm’s support at a business level. Want to get involved?

Apply now and let us know how you can help to accelerate diversity and inclusion in the industry.
Join as a Member Firm
Arrow icon
Image showing two men with phone

Partner or Supporter

Partners and Supporters are companies and organisations within the industry, who do not fall within our Member definition but share our goals and values and agree to amplify the work the Diversity Project does.

Get involved and work to accelerate diversity and inclusion in the investment and savings industry.
Join as a Partner or Supporter
Arrow icon
Image showing supporter
Apply as a member firm today and let us know how you can help.
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